Advanced Smart Film Expert

Advanced Smart Film Expert

About 公司簡介
希映顯示科技開發一革命性具有記憶功能的智慧薄膜 (品牌名稱為 MEMORIOTM),使用者只需要瞬間開關電源一次便可保持薄膜的透明或遮蔽狀態便不需要持續接通電源。這一創新產品將節省電力消耗約達 300倍 跟目前傳統市售的 PDLC 智慧薄膜來做比較,因為傳統市售的 PDLC 智慧薄膜若要保持薄膜的透明狀態便必需要一直持續接通電源。因此具有記憶功能的 MEMORIOTM 智慧薄膜 適合長期性與大面積的使用。
除了有效節省電力與電費外,MEMORIOTM 智慧薄膜更可以協助使用者輕易地控制穿過窗戶的自然光線,保護使用者的隱私,與阻隔太陽光熱能。
讓我們一起達成更好的生活,更節能與低碳的環境。MEMORIOTM 智慧薄膜是最佳的解決方案。
Seeing Display Technology is an advanced smart film expert located in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan.
Introducing a revolutionary MEMORIOTM Smart Film with a unique memory function, people could switch the film on and off once to keep it transparent or opaque status without continuous power consumption. It would save a lot of electricity up to 300 times vs. the current PDLC smart film which must be energized all the time to maintain its transparence. MEMORIOTM Smart Film is suitable for long-term and larger-size area operation.
Besides effectively saving energy and electricity bill, MEMORIOTM would help people easily control the natural light, protect their privacy, and block solar heat through windows.
Let us achieve a better living, energy-saving, low carbon environment together. MEMORIOTM is the best solution.
Anthony LU
創辦人與研發技術 /
Founder & Technology
現任希映顯示科技(股)公司負責人 / 交通大學光電所博士 / 曾任工研院工程師、康得新光電研發經理 / 本業年資20餘年 / 專利論文數十篇發表。
In charge of New Product and Technology Development, Operation / PhD, Opto-Electronic, NCTU, TAIWAN / ITRI、KanDeXin : R&D Manager, etc. / 20Y+ in Flexible Display R&D / More than 10 papers published and patents granted.
Kim FU
製造品管 /
Production & Quality
曾任多家公司行銷總監、總經理職位。具 20多年光電相關產業生產及品質管理經驗。
In charge of Manufacturing Management and Process / Bachelor, Chemical Engineering, NTST, TAIWAN / 20Y+ in Optical Film and Adhesive Tapes / BenQ Materials、Unimicron、KingChi Film : General Manager, etc.
Jerry LIAO
策略行銷 /
Strategy, Sales & Marketing
In charge of Strategy, International Sales and Marketing / Master, Engineering, OSU, USA / 20Y+ in Electronics, Electric, Opto-Film, Building Materials / Schneider Electric、Philips、Chiefway Optoelectronics : Vice President, etc.
Ken Wu 顧問
IC Driving/Energy Control
In charge of IC driving design/ Master of electronics, has obtained the qualification of development supervisor for many years, more than 20 years of experience in driver IC design, and is proficient in panel driver design.
2023 Seeing Display Technology and MEMORIO Smart Film
2023 希映顯示科技 與 MEMORIOTM 智慧薄膜
#Super energy saving smart door.
# Clear or privacy, choose what you like anytime
# Super energy saving smart window.
# Clear or privacy, choose what you like anytime
Technology 核心技術
SEEING develops a breakthrough memory-type liquid crystal compound and process called MLCTM technology which could easily control and maintain the light transmission of liquid crystal films or glasses either in transparent or opaque status just switching the input power on-and-off one time instantly to reduce a lot of energy up to 300 times vs. the current PDLC technology which should be energized all the time in order to keep the film transparent.
希映顯示科技開發一創新具有記憶功能的液晶配方與製程稱為 MLCTM 技術,使用者只需要瞬間開關電源一次便可保持薄膜的透明或遮蔽狀態便不需要持續接通電源。這一創新MLCTM 技術將節省電力消耗約達 300倍 跟目前的 PDLC 技術來做比較,因為傳統的 PDLC 技術若要保持薄膜的透明狀態便必需要一直持續接通電源。
How it Works?
300X Super Energy Saving Performance
300倍 超省電效果
Product 產品應用
希映顯示科技主要產品為 動態防窺膜、超節能智慧窗 與 透明數位顯示膜。希映顯示科技研發全球首創超節能記憶型液晶配方 (MLCTM) 為核心技術,並開發具記憶能力的 MEMORIOTM 超節能記憶型智慧薄膜 ,以一顆電池即可操作60天,具高度省電優勢。
因此 MEMORIOTM 超節能記憶型智慧薄膜可應用於3C產品顯示螢幕的防窺功能提升、超高省電功效可取代過去20年市場上採用 液晶 (PDLC)、電致變色 (EC, electrochromic)、或 懸浮粒子 (SPD) 等必須持續通電來維持透明或遮蔽狀態的智慧窗 (Smart Window、Dynamic Window)。
另外,希映顯示科技也正在研發商用櫥窗與廣告專用的透明數位顯示薄膜海報來超越目前市售電子紙 (electronic paper/electronic ink) 受到顯示尺寸較小與無法透明顯示等限制。
調光 / 節能
減碳 / 隔熱
隱私 / 顯像
SEEING's main products are dynamic privacy films, smart window films, and transparent digital display films (MEMORIOTM) based on super-energy-saving liquid crystal technologies (MLCTM).
SEEING develops and produces super-energy-saving dynamic privacy film applied to LCD or OLED display monitor of notebook, tablet, and PC for privacy protection and security of information and data. SEEING's new dynamic privacy film is an advance product to replace the current static privacy film and liquid crystal privacy glass used in commercial and information security industries, and etc.
Furthermore, SEEING designs and manufactures super-energy-saving smart window film and glass would be used as smart building materials to regulate light, protect privacy, block solar heat (UV/IR), reduce power consumption, and minimize CO2 emission. SEEING's new smart window film and glass would be the best solution as an alternative solution to the current PDLC, EC, and SPD smart windows.
SEEING is currently developing super-energy-saving transparent digital display film for shop window advertising posters which could quickly change and switch the images and texts by standalone power driver and wireless control modules.
Regulate Light / Save Energy
Reduce Carbon / Block Heat
Protect Privacy / Display Image
Dynamic Privacy Film
一鍵防窺 / 一鍵分享
MEMORIO 動態防窺膜透過整合準直背光模組,可控制打開視角角度,達到畫面防窺或分享功能。本產品可內建於LCD顯示面板內,不同於市售外置靜態型防窺片。
● 能耗 :~ 0.0125wh @14"panel
● 厚度 :< 0.3 mm
One Click for Privacy /
One Click for Sharing
MEMORIO Dynamic Privacy Film could be integrated with direct lighting back-light module inside the LCD module of the newly design monitors to control the viewing angle of the video and image to block or share the view from the left and right sides.
Product Feature:
● Power Consumption:~ 0.0125wh @14"panel
● Film Thickness:< 0.3 mm
Smart Window Film
超省電/ 高透度/高霧度/
MEMORIO 節能智慧窗可任意切換透視或隱私模式,顯示過程不耗電可至少維持2個月。可應用於居家、辦公室、交通工具、醫院等場所。
● 能耗 : ~ 0.14wh 每平方米每開關一次
● 厚度 : < 0.3 mm
● 透明狀態的光電特性 : TT% > 85%,Haze > 90%
Super-Energy-Saving/Higher Transmission/
Higher Haze/Privacy Protection/Block Solar Heat
MEMORIO Smart Window Film could be switched to transparent or opaque by flipping a switch on-and-off one time to keep its transparent or opaque status at least 60 days without continuous power consumption. It could be applied to building, apartment, office, partition, vehicle, hospital, and etc.
Product Feature:
● Power Consumption:~ 0.14wh per switching on-and-off per square meter
● Film Thickness:< 0.3 mm
● Optical @ Clear:TT% > 85%,Haze > 90%
Digital Display Film
(研發中/under developing)
低耗能/ 高對比
希映顯示科技正在研發商用櫥窗與廣告專用的 MEMORIO 透明數位顯示薄膜海報來超越目前市售電子紙 (E-ink papers) 受到顯示尺寸較小與無法透明顯示等限制。未來希映顯示科技的透明數位顯示膜將可由使用者可自行設計文字或圖案,並透過記憶卡或有線無線通訊,傳至顯示窗接收模組,可室內或櫥窗廣告應用。
Display Image/Adveristing Application/
Low Power Consumption/Higher Contrast
SEEING is currently developing MEMORIO transparent digital display film for shop window advertising posters which could quickly change and switch the images and texts by standalone power driver and wireless control modules.
It would be an alternative solution to the current E-ink papers which is constrainted by display size and lack of transparent feature.
Award 榮譽認證
Award 榮譽
- 賀! 2024.01 : 獲得 科技部核准與贊助參加在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的全球知名消費性電子展 (CES 2024)。
- 賀! 2024.01 : 再次獲選 國際一創新科技趨勢媒體 Startus-Insights.com 針對全球1496家顯示科技新創公司研究調查後列名2024年全球9大顯示技術趨勢與創新之新創企業(總共18家獲選)(https://www.startus-insights.com/innovators-guide/display-technology-trends/)。
- 賀! 2023年 : 獲得112年度 新竹市 SBIR 核定補助。
- 賀! 2023.05 : 獲選 國際一創新科技趨勢媒體 Startus-Insights.com 針對全球1496家顯示科技新創公司研究調查後列名2023年全球9大顯示技術趨勢與創新之新創企業(總共18家獲選)(https://www.startus-insights.com/innovators-guide/display-technology-trends/)。
- 賀! 2023.04 : 獲得 國際資訊顯示學會 (SID) 中華民國總會主辦全國創新智慧顯示科技競賽因入圍受邀參加 Touch Taiwan 2023 光電顯示科技大展之創新智慧顯示專區 IZONE(總共12家入圍)。
- 賀! 2023.01 : 獲得 科技部核准與贊助參加在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的全球知名消費性電子展 (CES 2023)。
- 賀! 2022.12 : 參加全球知名 電子工程領域專業媒體《EE Times》及《EDN》出版集團ASPENCORE台灣/亞洲團隊主辦之第二屆亞洲金選獎(EE Awards Asia) Project Green Challenge 綠色創意挑戰賽 獲得最佳五隊入圍最終決賽與獲得最終決賽的優勝獎 (https://site.eettaiwan.com/events/eeaward2022/m.html), (https://site.eettaiwan.com/events/eeaward2022/match.html)。
- 賀! 2022.04 : 通過審議獲得 行政院國發基金 [創業天使投資方案] 的投資。
- 賀! 2021.08 : 獲得 科技部第73次園區審議會核准竹科投資案。
- 賀! 2021.08 : 獲得 110年度 宜蘭 SBIR 核定補助。
- 賀! 2020年 : 獲得 109年度 [新創海選新秀組] 獎勵。
- 賀! 2019年 : 獲得 108年度 新竹科學園區 [竹科之星]。
- 賀! 2018年 : 獲得 107年度 新竹市 SBIR 核定補助。
- 賀! 2018年 : 獲得 107年度 FITI 創業傑出獎。
- Award! 2023 : Obtain the R&D subsidy of 2023 SBIR Project under Hsinchu City Government, Taiwan.
- Award! 2023.05 : Selected as one of Worldwide Top 9 Display Technology Trends in 2023 among 1496 display technology startups by a professional technology trend media : Startus-Insights.com (total 18 startups selected)(https://www.startus-insights.com/innovators-guide/display-technology-trends/)。
- Award! 2023.04 : Attend Touch Taiwan 2023, at IZONE Innovative Display Technology Competition - total 12 startups in the final lists selected by SID Taiwan.
- Award! 2023.01 : Attend CES 2023 in Las Vegas, USA by approved and sponsored by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan.
- Award! 2022.04 : Attend ASPENCORE Group / EE Times / EE Awards Asia / Project Green Challenge Contest : Enter Top 5 Finalists and Obtain the Winner Award (https://site.eettaiwan.com/events/eeaward2022/mEN.html), (https://site.eettaiwan.com/events/eeaward2022/match_en.html)
- Award! 2022.04 : Obtain the investment fund of [Startup Angel Investment Program] under the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan.
- Award! 2021.08 : Obtain the approval of Investment Project, 73th Hsinchu Science Park Review Meeting, the Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan.
- Award! 2021.08 : Obtain the R&D subsidy of 2021 SBIR Project under Ilan City Government, Taiwan.
- Award! 2020 : Obtain the award of New Startup Group, Startup Competition, Taiwan.
- Award! 2019 : Obtain the award of 2019 Startup Star under Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan.
- Award! 2018 : Obtain the R&D subsidy of 2018 SBIR Project under Hsinchu City Government, Taiwan.
- Award! 2018 : Obtain the award of 2018 FITI Startup Excellence, Taiwan.
Certificate 認證
- 讚! 2022.10 : 獲得中華民國 發明專利 [防窺螢幕及其防窺方法]。
- 讚! 2022.08 : 獲得中華民國 發明專利 [用於螢幕的防窺組件]。
- 讚! 2022.04 : 獲得中華民國 發明專利 [調整色差的複合式顯示裝置]。
- 讚! 2022.01 : 獲得中華民國 發明專利 [調整色差的複合式顯示裝置]。
- 讚! 2021.12 : 獲得中華民國 發明專利 [薄膜電驅動元件的製造設備]。
- 讚! [MEMORIO] 是希映顯示科技公司的註冊商標。
- 讚! [MLC] 是希映顯示科技公司的註冊商標。
- 讚! [S] 圖案是希映顯示科技公司的商標。
- Great! 2022.10 : Obtain the invention patent in Taiwan [Dynamice Privacy Monitors and Methods].
- Great! 2022.08 : Obtain the invention patent in Taiwan [Dynamic Privacy Components used for Monitors].
- Great! 2022.04 : Obtain the invention patent in Taiwan [Adjustable Color Differences for Compound Display Devices].
- Great! 2022.01 : Obtain the invention patent in Taiwan [Adjustable Color Differences for Compound Display Devices].
- Great! 2021.12 : Obtain the invention patent in Taiwan [Thin Film Driver Component Manufacturing Equipment].
- Great! [MEMORIO] is the registered traded mark of Seeing Display Technology Co., Ltd.
- Great! [MLC] is the registered traded mark of Seeing Display Technology Co., Ltd.
- Great! [S] image is the traded mark of Seeing Display Technology Co., Ltd.
News 最新消息
- 希映顯示科技正式喬遷至「300091新竹市園區二路47號103室(新竹科學園區)』,歡迎舊雨新知蒞臨指教!
- 2023 Touch Taiwan 台灣光電展 (2022/04/19 ~ 04/21) : 希映顯示科技攤位位於國際資訊顯示學會 (SID) 中華民國總會的IZONE,歡迎蒞臨參觀 (https://reurl.cc/k1Zp5b)。
- 2023 CES 美國消費性電子展 (2023/01/05 ~ 01/08) : 希映顯示科技攤位 #62901-L19 位於 Venetian Expo, Hall G, TTA 台灣創新館,歡迎蒞臨參觀 (https://ces23.mapyourshow.com/8_0/floorplan/?hallID=M&selectedBooth=booth~6290)。
- 2022 Touch Taiwan 台灣光電展 (2022/04/27 ~ 04/29) : 希映顯示科技攤位 L818 位於工業局智慧生活館,歡迎蒞臨參觀 (https://reurl.cc/k1Zp5b)。
- 2022 宜蘭市政府 SBIR 產品發表日 (2022/01/10) : 希映顯示科技參加 (https://reurl.cc/dXGq5g)。
- 2021 第33屆台北國際建築建材暨產品展 (2021/12/09 ~ 12/12) : 希映顯示科技攤位 K408 位於智慧建築館,歡迎蒞臨參觀 (2021第33屆台北國際建築建材暨產品展)。
- 2021 Meet Taipei 台北創新創業嘉年華(2021/11/18~11/20) : 參加希映顯示科技參加此一新創博覽會 (2021 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華)。 ******
- 2023 Touch Taiwan (2023/04/19 ~ 2023/04/21) : IZONE under SID Taiwan for the final list of Innovative Display Technology Competition.
- 2023 CES, LV, USA (2023/01/05 ~ 01/08) : SEEING at Booth #62901-L19, Venetian Expo, Hall G, TTA Taiwan Pavilion, welcome to meet us (https://ces23.mapyourshow.com/8_0/floorplan/?hallID=M&selectedBooth=booth~62901).
- 2022 Touch Taiwan Expo (2022/04/27 ~ 04/29) : SEEING's Booth L818 at IDB Smart Living Hall,welcome to visit us (https://reurl.cc/k1Zp5b).
- 2022 Ilan City SBIR Demo Day (2022/01/10) : SEEING attended (https://reurl.cc/dXGq5g).
- 2021 Taipei Building Material Expo (2021/12/09 ~ 12/12) : SEEING's Booth K408 at Smart Building Hall, welcome to visit us (2021第33屆台北國際建築建材暨產品展).
- 2021 Meet Taipei (2021/11/18~11/20) : SEEING attended this Startup Expo (2021 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華).
Contact 聯絡方式
地址 : 300091台灣新竹科學園區園區二路47號103室
Address : Rm. 103, No. 47, Yuanqu 2nd Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300091, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
If you have any question or inquiry, please feel free to contact us. Thank You!
© 2022 Seeing Display Technology Co., Ltd.